Friday, January 20, 2006

Kinder Quotes and Joke

"Steven said the "S-word", he said "Shut up."

"Whenever I use my karate moves to clean up my room faster, I get a present."

"Why did the baseball hit the vampire in his suck teeth? Because he didn't have his mits"

"It's 'crowdy' in here"

"I think I see a 'hootchy mama'!" Yes, the Mama and the Teacher heard him say it.

After seeing all the kindergartners in their graduation T-shirts, I asked, "Where did all of you get matching shirts?" The kid nincamed Nick-at-night said, "Maybe they got 'em at the dollar store."


Anonymous said...

love these!
I love to hear the silly things kids say!

Anonymous said...

that was me , steph :)
i forgot to leave my name