Friday, July 28, 2006

An Email From a Former Student

If you read it like a 13 year old, it makes sense. I taught her Drama--not writing (although we did do some writing activities every now and then).

hey mr.b whats happenin me nothin i got a scholarship already they are goingto put 10,000 dollars on it every year i'm in school because my math teacherdown here in el campo nominated me and i had to write an essay and i won igot the scholar ship i'm soooooo happy one day imma come back down there andjust be in yo class one day again and help you teach i've been in so manyplays down here i'm a great actress not to brag or anything but i'm so goodthat every play i be in i make lead roll so bein in yo class that 4th gradeyear really helped me thats the first time i really started acted well igotta gostay cool shacora

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