Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Has a Future in Apologies.

I sometimes buy fund raiser items from students, and in this case, former students. Bruce is a 6th grader.

Dear Mr. Bowers,

I regret to inform you that the cookie dough you ordered will not be shipped to you. This mishap is of my own wrong doing and foolishness. Apparently you were to give me the money as you were ordering. However, I didn't inform you about it thus making this my own fault. Maybe my ignorance would not get in the way in the near future. Once again I'm truly sorry.




Anonymous said...

In other words: You didn't give Bruce the dough so you don't get the dough.

Carmen said...

bwahahah!!! at the above comment.

Bruce should get a job with Halmark and develop his own line of apology cards. Married men in America have found their Messiah!!!

Mr.Bowers said...

Love it!

Penny Auction Online said...

I love it tooooooooo....

GPS Tracking System said...

LOL dear superb nice one I like it.