Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Cow Day

Every year, we get a visit from the Mobile Dairy.  The Mobile Dairy is a huge trailer with a Dairy Cow on board and a rusty old COWBOY full of information about milk and cows and all of the processes that get the milk from the cow to the table:   

COWBOY:  Now, boys and girls, why do cows need energy?
FIRST GRADER:  So that people can ride them!

COWBOY:  What products come from milk?  

COWBOY:  Are there any questions?
FIRST GRADER:  Are cows made from meat?


David said...
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J said...

I wish I had been there, as I am wondering what else might be made of meat. Could be pretty interesting.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I really wouldn't agree more now with this particular topic, I learned that at present many stuff happen to be changing in a revolutionary proportion, it's possible that for good or perhaps for worse yet.
Kahuna e-juice!