Thursday, September 13, 2007

I Learned to Drive in Kindergarten

I am trying to teach the kindergarteners to walk in line. I compare it to when their parents are driving:

What happens if someone cuts in front of your mom in traffic? Does she honk at them? Sometimes. Does she say, "I'll show them!" and ram her car into theirs? NO! You have to be like that in line. You can't just shove another kid outta line just because they cut in front of you! You have to "honk" at them. Tell them, "Please don't cut in front of me."

Sometimes when your mom honks at people, they are rude to her. Sometimes when you tell a kid not to cut in front of you, they will be rude to you. You will learn that there are rude people all over the world, there's not much you can do about that. The rude people will learn their lesson the hard way. Someday they will be rude to their boss and get fired, or they will be rude to a policeman and get in trouble. You can teach them a lesson in kindness. If a kid sticks his tongue out at you, you just smile and wave at them.

At this point Jalen raises his hand, "If someone honks at my mom, she gives them the fanger!"


Jenni-beck said...

these stories are pretty adorable. i want my future (currently imaginary) children to be in mr. bowers' class. ;)

as promised, see

had a blast with you and k last night!

groovehouse said...

I, for one, am glad the school year has started! I've missed this blog! Great stuff Mr. B.

Mr.Bowers said...

thanks groovehouse, i am glad to be back and i am glad that you haven't forgotten about my blog!

groovehouse said...

Forget? It's one of the most amusing blogs I read! =)

Anonymous said...

Which finger?