Friday, March 09, 2007

When Khalil's Class Jumped

I forgot to tell this one from the Jump Rope for Heart Day. When Khalil's class came to jump, he was at his worst. He kept running into the bushes to try and hide so he wouldn't have to take his turn. As you can guess, this caused major problems because when you have a class of 5 year olds, you need to be watching all of them--not just focusing on one kid. Finally I was able to get all of the kids rounded up and sitting down so I could go get Khalil and make him stay with the class.

He was mad about something that happened before he got to my station. I figured out what it was.

KHALIL: I'm moving!
MR. BOWERS: Well Khalil, wherever you move, they won't allow this sort of behavior.
KHALIL: Yes they will!
MY. BOWERS: Didn't your brother get suspended at his school? See, they don't allow disrespectful behavior at any school.
KHALIL: I'm moving to high school!
MR. BOWERS: And what are you going to do there?
KHALIL: I'm moving to high school where they go let me have my snack!

At this point I had to get back to the rest of the class because they were fighting over who gets to jump first--which leads me to another trick I have:

When I see kids fighting at the front of the line, I ask everyone in the line to turn around and I make the end of the line the front. Then I applaud the kids who were fighting, "You kids in the back are unique. Most kids fight to be in the front of the line. I admire you. You are so considerate that you really want to be at the back of the line. Good job!"


Anonymous said...

I love Khalil stories! (especially the one where he pulled a hair out of Jeff's leg! hilarious!)

Mr.Bowers said...

yeah, at least now you know how to get jeff's attention!